CAKE ORDER FORM > Please read below before filling out and submitting your info. Only curbside pickup and delivery is available.
50% Deposits do not apply to rush orders OR orders under $165. You cannot put a deposit down on a rush order.
Deposits are non-refundable. If this is a RUSH order, full payment is required to secure your date, along with a $20 rush fee.
What is a rush fee? A rush fee is any date secured less than 10 days prior to your pickup or delivery date).
Why is there a rush fee? Bakers have to pause and put all other orders aside that have booked months prior to your order, to work on a new order.
Set-ups are unavailable (the delivery driver and/or drivers cannot enter businesses/establishments/residences etc. to setup orders).
Curbside pickup & Delivery only. No in-store pickup available.
Delivery is $5.00 per mile (calculated from the curbside pickup location).
All payments are non-refundable (credit towards any future order can be given for events that get cancelled due to COVID) credit can be used to re-book an order up to 3 months.

**NOTE: You will be meeting the delivery driver(s) and picking up your cake order in a public area monitored by surveillance camera's. Your driver will be parked curbside in front of Tony's Finer Foods "bakery" sign with your order.
***Please be advised that our products are made in a facility that processes foods that contain wheat (gluten), milk, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, seeds, and chocolate.
EMAIL - creativecakesbykeekee@yahoo.com
CONTACT - call or text (630) 347-6512 - High call volume (emailing, texting or submitting an order form is best)
Don't waste time driving around the Chicago-land area in the snow or the hot summer weather with a cake. Let my delivery drivers deliver your order!
Delivery is highly recommended for 3-tiered cakes serving 40 guests or more. Delivery is your choice, however, handling your own order after it is handed to you, will be at your own risk. Instructions will be given on how to handle your order if you decide to travel with it at your own risk.